‘Moving in:Moving on’ is a new contemporary art installation coming shortly to Evesham Library from 19 June to 8 July and its FREE! As part of the Evesham Festival of Words, True Tales is a storytelling and art project produced by Arts Uplift CIC to share the stories of Evesham residents.


Storytelling workshops have taken place at The De Montfort School, Blackminster Middle School, Garage Arts, a knit and natter group at Ferry View and with some people from Eastern Europe. Rhubarb Rhubarb Creatives have been recording the stories created from the workshops based on the themes of new beginnings and journeys.


Artist Caroline Tredwell has been interpreting the stories and will create an inspirational contemporary installation based on the true stories from the people of Evesham young and old. The audio of the stories told will also feature.


Jenny Davis, Director of Arts Uplift CIC says “It’s been fascinating and inspiring listening to all of the stories that have come from the workshops we held recently and from such a diverse range of people. Caroline Tredwell has done an amazing job of interpreting them in to an interesting yet hopefully challenging exhibition. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing the public’s response.”


There is a preview of the work and a chance to chat to the artist Caroline Tredwell and Arts Uplift CIC on Wednesday 21 June from 4.30-5.30pm


True Tales has been supported by Arts Uplift, The Elmley Foundation, Wychavon District Council, Worcestershire County Council, Vale of Evesham Network of Artists and Evesham Festival of Words


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